Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "jorge galán"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 27 results
A gold, coral and aquamarine necklace that an Iranian antiquarian begs Jorge Dezcallar to send to his daughter… This is how this book begins, in which a Spanish diplomat reviews his years as an ambassador—in Morocco, Washington and Rome—and recalls some of the personalities—ministers, kings, players and presidents—with whom he has shared diplomatic negotiations and also, at times, unforgettable evenings. Fishing... - Read more

  The story of our lives is not only that of the things that we've lost, it is also that of those few things which we decide to keep and that, in the end, cease to make sense to anyone other than those who are no longer around. Roger's phone starts ringing in the early morning; it can only be bad news or, perhaps, it's Denise, his ex, who is sorry and wants to get back together. That's all he can think as he tries to rescue the device that... - Read more

From the novel’s suggestive title, Javier Vásconez drags us to edge of horror. Because is there anything more hair-raising than the wailing of a child breaking through in the middle of the night from a hotel? But perhaps the greatest merit of “Hotels of Silence” is the weaving of several stories of maddening humanity in one single novel. Its setting is a city rocked by a terrifying succession of kidnappings and murders,... - Read more

When the poet Luis Cernuda flees Spain in February of 1938, he has no idea that he will never again set foot on his native land. In exile in England, his former lover finds him a disheartening job that only intensifies his feelings of bitterness and despair: caring for 3,800 refugee children who have also fled to England after the city of Bilbao fell to Franco’s army. Seventy years later, a young Mexican filmmaker living in New York... - Read more

After begetting the last of his three kids, an old man dies on top of the body of a young woman, initiating a tragic and wonderful lineage. A century of life of El Salvador from Magdalena’s vantage point, that extinguishes in a bedroom in which she reminisces about magical events, such as the story of the boy who walked on the waters of a river, the curse of a young girl whose wishes will come to pass, the return of a man who worked in... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 27 results
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